Many Hands Make Light Work
Volunteers are the heart of Prodisee Pantry. Individuals, youth groups, civic organizations, school clubs, church groups and local businesses make up our caring, compassionate team. If you, your family, group or business have a heart for helping and hands for serving, come join the Prodisee Pantry family.

Prodisee Pantry relies on volunteers. Feel free to fill out the form on the left to have Prodisee Pantry contact you for more information or just give us a call.
Here is a look at a typical week of service opportunities at Prodisee Pantry:
Monday: Basic work day when volunteers unload a produce truck full of tons of food, sort, shelve & pre-box food items. Unload truck from 8am - 9:30am & general work from 8:30am - 10am.
Tuesday: "Distribution Day" - greeting families, filing applications, interviewing clients, bagging & boxing groceries, stocking shelves, assisting clients to their cars & securing community support through contributions of food items &/or cash donations. Typically 8:30am to Noon.
Wednesday: General work night, hours 5:30pm - 6:30pm.
Thursday: Unload additional food trucks, approximately 8am - 10am.
Weekdays: Front office/secretarial assistance, weekdays 8:30am - 4pm, with various/multiple shifts available.
Special Events: If you are a people person and like fundraising or hospitality, give us a call. There are always special events being planned.
When Baldwin County Public Schools close due to severe weather, Prodisee Pantry closes for all volunteer activities.
More information on our Facebook Page: Prodisee Pantry
All volunteers must have a Volunteer Application and Waver completed, signed and on file before starting work. Please read our Volunteer Policies and Procedures as well.
For more information call us at 251-626-1720 or Email Prodisee Pantry.
Equal Opportunity Provider